
Media & Information

EXCALIBUR ARMY's official and only media communication service is provided by PP Partners Prague company which will provide you with press releases and respond to all public and media queries on our behalf.

PP Partners Prague
Spokesperson Mr. Andrej Čírtek
Phone  +420 602 494 208
E-mail [email protected]


Company Presentation Kit

Below you can download our promotional materials and logotype.

EXCALIBUR ARMY spol. s r. o. reserves all rights to create, distribute and pass/withdraw rights of other parties which need to handle EA brand or its corporate identity. Please take good care to observe rules described in CI manual included in the logopack. Thank you.

EA Logopack Company logotype for common office and graphic design programs

EA Catalog Download

EXCALIBUR ARMY PRODUCT CATALOG List of all EA current products. Changes reserved without prior notice.

EA Company Profile

EXCALIBUR ARMY COMPANY PROFILE Introduction, history and services we provide